7 Reasons Why Every Newly Built Home Will Have Solar Panels in the Near Future

published Jul 24, 2019
2 min read

Solar Panels for Homes

As technology continues to advance sand solar panels keep becoming more efficient and widely used, there will probably come a time within the next 10-20 years where the vast majority of newly built homes will be equipped with solar panel systems by default.

In fact, this prediction goes beyond mere speculation that’s based on the fact that the self-sufficiency of solar power is simply superior to grid reliance, as California in the US has already passed a law that will require all homes built in the state after 2020 to have enough solar panels installed to provide enough electricity to fulfil the occupants’ needs.

If that’s not enough to convince you that solar panels will be everywhere soon, here are seven reasons why every newly built home will be powered by solar within the next few decades.

1. Solar Panel Installation Companies Are Advertising Everywhere

With leading solar panel installation companies like Renew Energy Solar (they’ve been serving customers in Perth for more than 15 years now) experiencing massive growth and success, these businesses have every incentive to continue spreading awareness about the benefits of solar in an effort to generate more leads.

Of course, getting more customers is the name of the game in any industry, and any time you have huge companies actively looking for new clients, there will be a substantial amount of conversion and sales generated. With capitalism and industry promoting the growth of solar, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes ubiquitously installed in all new homes.

2. There’s a Global Trend Towards Self-Sufficiency

Everywhere you look people are trying to find ways to save money and eliminate bills altogether. The “off-grid” lifestyle is becoming a mainstream trend in many ways, with YouTube videos of people building primitive technology getting attention in excess of 50 million views. With more people trying to save money and escape the everyday economic hamster wheel, solar panels will eventually become commonplace due to consumer demand alone.

3. It’s Better for the Environment

Market research has proven that consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious as the news and evident effects of climate change and pollution continue to become increasingly apparent in everyday life. As more homeowners and contractors begin to commit to eco-friendly lifestyles, the widespread adoption of solar panels is only a matter of time.

4. They’re Going to Become Cheaper

Right now, the main barrier to entry that most homeowners and builders have in regards to installing solar panels is that they simply cost too much as an upfront expense. However, just like every other new technology, they’ll eventually become much cheaper. When that happens, it would be a foolish move for anyone to continue paying their utility provider when they could have a solar panel system installed for the same cost as a half a year’s worth of electric bills.

5. Governments Will Subsidise and Encourage Installations

When consumers and contractors no longer have to come out of pocket to finance solar panel installations, that’s when we’ll see a society-wide boost in their popularity. Fortunately, such incentives are already being provided in some countries where you can gain significant tax benefits by opting for solar. If the government wants it to happen, it probably will because they have the manpower, funds, and influence to boost or even mandate any trend.

Can you imagine a world in which you would be fined for not having solar panels? That would be a great reality to live in – for the planet and your pockets – and it might not be too far off.

6. Nobody Wants to Be Stuck Paying an Electricity Bill Forever

If you asked 100 people if they would like to have free electricity for the rest of their lives, every last one of them would answer ‘yes’. While solar panels aren’t completely free in that there are installation and maintenance charges, not being stuck with the burden of a monthly payment will be huge. Plus, if the system is already installed on every newly built home, then the next buyer doesn’t have to pay for installation – only occasional maintenance and cleaning.

However, going completely off the grid requires further investments into power consumption optimisation, so staying connected while producing your own power has its benefits. It’s like choosing the best of both worlds.

7. Use Of Non-Renewable Resources Is Going to Become a Thing of the Past

Within the next two decades, it is likely that governments are going to impose strict bans on the industrial use of non-renewable resources, as every country already has the capability to run off of only renewable resources. With laws like that in place, solar power will become the only reasonable alternative for residential construction projects.

You Might as Well Become an Early Adopter

With the above facts taken into consideration, the chances of solar panels not being installed on every newly built home after 2040 are basically slim to none. In fact, it’s probably safe to assume that even most older homes will be retrofitted with solar panels setups.